Sustainable Tourism
We care about meeting global criteria for tourism sustainability, in the socio-cultural, environmental and economic fields.
We are part of the National Registry of Tourism Service Providers of SERNATUR, the entity responsible for tourism in Chile.
· We are against the exploitation of human beings in any of its forms, especially sexual exploitation and in particular when it affects children;
· We provide equal employment opportunities to members of the local community without any discrimination;
· We source locally and have a sustainable purchasing system, prioritizing environmentally friendly products;
· We offer the best quality of services possible;
· We minimize the negative impact that our tourism operations could have on the environment;
· We stimulate the local economy;
· We contribute to the comprehensive development of the community and local welfare;
· We contribute to the sustainable development of the tourist destination;
· We conserve and protect the natural ecosystem and native biodiversity;
· We conserve and protect cultural heritage;
· We minimize consumption and make efficient use of water resources and energy;
· We minimize its generation and carry out responsible waste management;
· We are an agent of change, encouraging the articulation of key actors in the tourist destination;
· We encourage customers and suppliers to join in the effort to carry out their activities in a sustainable manner;
· We do not affect the welfare of local communities;
· We respect local communities and especially members of native peoples;
· We ensure that the transport arrangements made are as efficient as possible;
· We provide relevant, current and genuine information to tourists and travelers.